If you search for omega 3 fish oil supplements online, you will come across hundreds of manufacturers and online stores that sell many different kinds of fish oil supplements. Some of them may have higher fatty acid content, while others may have a balanced concentration of fatty acids and vitamins. This is acceptable, as long as these products satisfy your body needs and cure your illnesses. But what makes each of these companies different from one another? It's the purity level of fish oil that they process and supply to their customers.
Vitapurity omega 3 fish oil differs from other products in the level of purity it has. Any company that claims to produce the purest fish oil possible employs different methods and procedures of purifying oil extracted from different animal sources. The most popular of these processes is molecular distillation. It is also known as high vacuum distillation and the apparatus needed to conduct it is very expensive. Because of this reason, not every company and manufacturer can afford it. As a result their fish oil products may not conform to quality standards and eventually prove to be detrimental to the consumer's health.
Vitamin Omega 3
Vitapurity omega 3 fish oil is pharmaceutical grade fish oil and meets all other health standards imposed by the government. This oil is free of any impurities found in fish oil in the form of mercury, PCB's, lead and dioxins. It is also free of the fish odor and is completely tasteless. For children, the recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon daily containing 1-1.5 grams of essential fatty acids. For adults, 2-3 tablespoons daily can be consumed after every meal. High-quality fish oil has no adverse effects associated with its intake. However, overdose may affect normal functionality if your digestive system.
The products that are made from vitapurity omega 3 fish oil also contain some concentration of other nutrients like antioxidants and vitamin A, D and E. Antioxidants are helpful in reducing bad cholesterol levels in the body. Similarly, vitamin E acts as a catalyst to increase the rate of certain chemical reactions occurring in the body. Both these nutrients are important for a healthy metabolism rate. Vitapurity omega 3 fish oil is beneficial for children and adults alike. Especially, elderly people with sensitive stomach and weak immune system should always look for highest-quality fish oil made by reputed and reliable companies.
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