The ability of Omega 3 fatty acids to regulate LDL cholesterol levels has been established by way of scientific research. Today, we would find nutritionists lobby for the increased consumption of Omega 3 enriched foods such as fish and grains. This call has been heeded with the intake of supplements such as fish oils, flax seed oil and ground flax seed. Consequently, the wonder grain status of flax seed, along with price and availability factors, is attributive of its popularity as dietary supplement for Omega 3 nutrients in the the effort to limit bad cholesterol levels, correct metabolic functions and enhance circulation-all for the upkeep of a healthy heart.
But one of its more conspicuous medicinal properties that is likely unfamiliar in the mainstream is the grain's anti-inflammatory benefit. If you're attuned with the health profile of flax seed, notice how it has been regarded to likewise treat psoriasis, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. It may appear that this benefit is supplemental to more pressing medical conditions that the grain is reputed to treat, particularly for those who have limited orientation on the biochemical basis of its medicinal action. But then again you'd be astonished that this anti-inflammatory property is in fact the source of its diverse health benefits to the human body. To appreciate the therapeutic action of Omega 3 fatty acids, it would help to probe into its physiological mechanism, including prostaglandin formation and its opposing functions with Omega 6 fatty acids.
Vitamin Omega 3
Essential fatty acids support various physiological mechanisms through the production of vital hormones and compounds such as prostaglandin. Said hormone is a derivative of polyunsaturated fatty acids that endeavors a number of important functions in the human body. Omega 3 EFAs are associated with the formation of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins while the inflammatory compounds are derived from Omega 6 EFAs. Know that inflammation plays a major role in the manifest of chronic diseases ranging from respiratory disorders such as asthma, joint damage leading to arthritis, down to cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
The unbalanced ratios for Omega 3 and 6 EFAs with the diet, where the latter has been found to be predominant, explains the prevalence of chronic disease in the last few years. Given the Omega 3's prostaglandin-regulating action, daily supplementation of this nutrient through flax seed conveys more Omega 3 into cell membranes to compete with Omega 6 for enzymes in the production of prostaglandins. This way, intense inflammatory response is subdued to levels that are favorable to the human body.
There is more to supplementing with flax seed and Omega 3s than it is a regular dietary fix. At the end of the day, it becomes a sustainable protection against diseases and from the adverse affects of inflammatory response in the body.